Secondary Science

Key Stage 3 & GCSE

Our Key Stage 3 Science Learning Programme meets all the requirements of the National Curriculum for years 7-9. The course provides an excellent introduction to all areas (Chemistry, Biology and Physics) and is delivered so that students gain secure knowledge, understanding and skills required for further study at GCSE.

Grade Excel sets high expectations of every learner and ensures that they have access to appropriate levels of challenge so that progress can be made at a much a faster pace. We implement strategies of reflection at every stage of learning, making it very clear where progress is being made and what each student should do to excel even further.

Our GCSE Science programme focuses on extending the knowledge and understanding gained from the key topics covered in Key Stage 3. The content is in line with the approved examining boards: AQA, Edexcel Pearson, OCR, WJEC and iGCSE’s.

Grade Excel uses a structured monitoring programme to personalise learning for each student. This includes carrying out assessments at key intervals, providing quality feedback to both students and parents and using the outcomes of the assessments to inform planning of the next stages of learning.

Alongside securing knowledge and understanding of the key concepts and core topics in Science, our teachers work closely with students to help them understand and access the language used in exam questions. They also develop and strengthen the skills required to produce high quality written answers so that students are better equipped to gain maximum marks.


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